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About us

Who We Are creates romantic opportunities based on Numerology. This way singles are more likely to find that special someone who is physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually compatible with them.

What We Do

Our mission is simple – to help singles find relationships that are the most natural fit for them based on their true core values.

Why We Do It

The short version

Falling in love is easier when people seamlessly complete each other. You are more likely to find that special someone who completes you when you use numerology as the foundation. Love that is inherently aware of your core values, gives you room to grow on your true life path and be happier. More happier people that are in love makes the world a happier, loving place. That is what drives us.

The longer version

Research has found that at any given time, at least one in five people, or roughly 60 million Americans, suffer from a yearning for someone to truly know them, really get them and really see them for who they are. This implies that even with all the marvels of today’s technology, there is still a huge disconnect between who you are and how people perceive you.

Circumstances at birth, combined with life experiences, tends to create self doubt. People start believing that the happy, blissful, meaningful life is meant for other people and they are are destined for mediocrity. At, we want to challenge that belief. Current Apps encourage interaction with an endless number of people in the hopes of finding the right one based on superficial facts like how attractive someone looks in pictures, their current professions, how they perceive themselves or because you have a friend or two in common. This leaves way too much to chance, is ineffective and ends up wasting everyone’s time and again creating more self doubt. As Sweet Brown would say “Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That!”. We believe that pre-selecting your matches based on your five pillars of numerology increase the odds of meeting that special someone.

Make the move. Tap your potential for a deeper connection. All it takes is a little faith in the numbers. And it all begins at

How It Works

We believe that there are five pillars in personal numerology that influence your life. These are your

  1. Life Path Number – who you really are at your core and your true mission in this world
  2. Expression Number – your natural strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Personality Number – what people think of you.
  4. Motivation Number – what motivates you and what holds you back.
  5. Birth Day Number – your special talents, hidden gifts and how you perceive yourself.

Using time tested numerology tools that use a person’s name and date of birth, we identify a person’s core personality and their innate desires. Then, using the five main pillars of numerology, we match them with other singles who are most likely to complement their life path and life goals. This unique way of numerology based match making increases the odds of experiencing exciting, supportive, harmonious, fulfilling lives and relationships.

Singles share information about themselves on their profiles, may include up to 5 photos and select match making preferences.  Members can instantly see photos and read about potential matches in their area. We educate our members on the hidden meanings of numbers and the extraordinary patterns that exist in them. We also share what a potential match would most likely bring to the relationship and ideas of things to do on a first meeting based on their personalities. also understands the importance of privacy and integrity. All communication between members on happens through an “anonymous” messaging network. The names and contact information of all our members are kept confidential until the member personally decides to share the information with another member.

To help ensure the integrity of our community, every profile and photo is screened by our Customer Service team before it is posted to the site.